Friday, July 30, 2021

Paper plane competition!

 Today our teacher Mrs Ghosh, made us do a challenge.The challenge was to make a paper plane without using a device and only using one piece of paper ,scissors and a glue stick . Our teacher put us in groups of four, the people in my group were Charmy, Nathan ,Marist and me. First Charmy folded half of the paper plane, I helped her with the other half. We wrote our names on the plane one by one. Several minutes later we tested the plane out, it flew through the air smoothly, Charmy thought it could fly further so she glued the plane together. We tested the plane again and it actually worked! (a little bit though) Multiple minutes passed and it was time to fly the planes, one person from each group had to fly the paper plane, my group chose me. The people who flew the paper plane lined up on a white line on the turf, our teacher did the countdown and in no time all the planes flew through the air and we actually ended up second!   


  1. Great Job of coming second Diana!

  2. I think that activity was quite fun. Awesome sentences and great wording. Go check out my blog post about paper planes. :-) I noticed that when you threw the plane it went smoothly at first, then went up and fell and came 2nd!
