Monday, September 6, 2021

cleaning my room

 Once again lock down is still here and we have to stay inside. So I continued cleaning my room, I have a large car set that had ALOT of dust. Obviously I had to go clean it. So I carried the not so heavy car set  outside and my parents helped with the cleaning( which was the easy part) But I had to take it upstairs to my room! I sadly got a few bruises and they DID hurt. Next I vacuumed the dirty room, I sneezed a couple of times but it was fine. Next station was my desk, I moved some things around and under my desk I did the same exact thing. WALLAH!  Yay   I cleaned my room but now..... The garden! 


  1. Hey Diana

    Me again! Aww can you come clean my room too please.. I’ve made my bed and done a bit of vacuuming but I think I need to declutter.

    What do you need to do in the garden? Is it a flower garden or a vegetable one. Hopefully the sun comes out so you can do that job without the rain getting to you

    Keep up the good work!

    1. Thank you, my garden is uhm, I actually don't really know what type of garden I have.

  2. Kia ora Diana,

    Like Marleen, I think we should hire you to clean our rooms! It sounds like you are doing an amazing job.

    What are you planning to do to the garden? It'll be cool if you have a before and after job?

    Looking forward to future blog posts,
    Miss Laxa

    1. Hello, for the garden i'm going to pull out some weeds and rake the leaves and we have alot of leaves so it will take up quite some time.

  3. Nice work I like how you put capitals in words like WALLAH!

    Good job
